M e d i T e c h n i x  Incorporated                    

- applied techniques for improving healthcare industry performanceSM -


- good medicine is good businessSM -

Call us at | 412.657.7739412.657.7739

A P P L I E D  T E C H N I Q U E S  

 S T R U C T U R E 

Process | Operations Improvement | Patient Flow Design | Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Method

MediTechnix Professionals have standardized, ultra-efficient, methodologies for isolating and solving even the most complex healthcare process inefficiencies and opportunities. Based upon experience developed over twenty years’ time, our approach is adapted and optimized for use in the healthcare environment.

New Service Line | Business Practice | Design & Models

MediTechnix Professionals are experts in developing new lines of business. We use a “Project Finance” approach which ensures that any movement from status quo is positive and exceeds applicable investment hurdle rates. MediTechnix is also independently researching and developing certain Accountable Care Organization Payer-Provider models for selected complex procedures.

Business Architecture | Management Design | Standard Practices

Whether improving current processes, or developing new business lines, MediTechnix Professionals work to ensure that the correct management structures and operating procedures are in place. With proper business architecture in place, only then can the client be assured of sustainability of the effort over the long haul.

  S T R A T E G Y 

Business Strategy | Competitor Analysis | Compliance Pressures

Hospitals are a retail business. MediTechnix Professionals have helped to develop and set business strategies for select Fortune 50 retail clients. The outcomes of these exercises often relied upon close evaluation of competitors and service areas. As needed, MediTechnix can evaluate complex compliance and other business environment issues and instruct the client as to the best way forward.

Catchment Area Capacity Demand | Patient Population Characterization | Biostatistics | Quantification | Forecasting

Different medical services have different demand characteristics in both types and amounts of patients. As local populations ebb and flow with effects such as the Baby Boom | Gen X | Gen Y, and hospital capacity forecasting becoming more critical to the bottom line, MediTechnix can provide a “best fit” of your capacity to the demands of your catchment area population over your planning horizon. As an extensive GIS user for over 15 years, we can map patient locations.

Subsidies | Public Purpose Finance & Investment | Private Equity

Many states and locales offer certain types of real estate and other subsidies that may be available to healthcare organizations, especially Tax Increment Financings (TIF). Further, municipal bonds and commercial bank loans are typical debt financing instruments utilized by healthcare institutions. MediTechnix Professionals are highly successful experts in these areas. Private equity investments may be available for those organizations looking to seed-fund internally-developed healthcare technologies.

 S O F T W A R E  |  S C I E N C E  

 S T A T I S T I C S 

Software | SaaS | Expert Systems | Selection | Design

Data systems are often one of the largest healthcare budget line items. MediTechnix Professionals are trained and experienced Business Analysts whose Process Improvement work often underlies the workflow and configuration of standardized software and Software as a Service (SaaS) packages. We have developed our own proprietary standard method, now in its fourth generation, for selection of software that best fits the organization. Should the need arise, MediTechnix Professionals can also author the full functional specifications for Expert Systems for guidance and decision support.

Information Technology Strategies | Data Analytics

MediTechnix Professionals have used many installed healthcare information systems and have well developed ideas regarding the capture and utility of those data. We are experts in accessing and manipulating large time-series datasets for discovery, trending, statistical analyses, forecasting, interpretation, display of information.

Performance Measurement | Patient Outcomes

Without measurement and standard definitions, there is little firm basis for discussion or management of any issue. MediTechnix Professionals have engineering and hard science backgrounds, and are experts in development of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and compliance metrics. One area where we have gained considerable experience, and provided our client positive national exposure, is in measurement of patient outcomes, especially relative to their condition at presentation.

New Technology Adaptation | Creation

MediTechnix develops proprietary healthcare related technologies and models which it uses for the client’s benefit in consulting engagements. MediTechnix can help or partner with clients to adapt or create devices, pharmaceuticals, and especially software and data acquisition systems. MediTechnix is active in this regard.

If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing.

- W. Edwards Deming

Strategy is about making choices, trade-offs; it's about deliberately choosing to be different.

-  Michael Porter


…look at the fantastic financial results we've had for the last five years. You only get that kind of performance on the innovation side, on the financial side, if you're really listening and reacting to the best ideas of the people we have.

- Steve Ballmer




Health care and education, in my view, are next up for fundamental software-based transformation.

- Marc Andreessen




Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability.

- Sir William Osler


  • Healthcare industry challenges can be complex and multidisciplinary, and not easily placed into a particular category of solution.
  • Our techniques are not off the shelf, or out of the literature. Our techniques are proprietary and have been solely designed and developed for our client set.

  • Please contact us at gene.monaco@meditechnix.com or 412.657.7739412.657.7739 or use the "Contact Us" form to schedule a personal confidential meeting, or for more information, to determine how we may be of service.

  • Allow us to prepare a custom solution proposal to address your challenges and opportunities.


© MediTechnix Incorporated 2012-2014. All rights reserved worldwide.