M e d i T e c h n i x  Incorporated                    

- applied techniques for improving healthcare industry performanceSM -


- good medicine is good businessSM -

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C L I E N T  R E F E R E N C E S  

  E M E R G E N C Y  M E D I C I N E  D E P A R T M E N T  C H A I R 

“MediTechnix personnel served as consultant to the hospital on the department of emergency medicine’s ‘Integrated Performance Initiative’.

The goal of this all-encompassing project was to improve the clinical, operational, and financial processes that affected the patients and staff of the emergency department.

This massive project could not have been accomplished without the expertise, objectivity, diligence, leadership and determination of MediTechnix personnel.”

 T R A N S P L A N T  C E N T E R  D I R E C T O R 

 P R I M A R Y  T R A N S P L A N T  S U R G E O N 

“Transplantation is a highly complex clinical service that intersects virtually all points of a hospital system, whether they are clinical, administrative or regulatory.

In short order, MediTechnix personnel were able to comprehend, acquire the necessary data and to provide a report of the liver transplant service that, in my opinion, represents the most exhaustive and comprehensive analysis of a liver transplant program ever done anywhere.

This analysis allowed us to understand and improve the patient experience, to identify weak points that needed improvement, and to optimize the benefits of transplantation to the medical center. MediTechnix’ transplantation report is also suitable for publication in medical journals as a model to understanding the functionality of a transplant service.

In all of these process improvements, from the conception to implementation, MediTechnix played an important, if not critical role in their success. Underlying all of these successful projects is a collaborative approach that creates buy-ins to all parties involved.

MediTechnix personnel bring a world-class competence to everything they do, with both breadth and depth of knowledge. Gene Monaco
is a joy to work with.

It was of common opinion at our medical center that if MediTechnix personnel were responsible for any project, that project would be done right.”

 S E N I O R  A T T E N D I N G  P H Y S I C I A N 

MediTechnix personnel are extraordinary performers.

They probe as deeply as necessary in projects so as to obtain complete understanding and model in complete detail the current state, no matter how complicated.

MediTechnix personnel then present to the client the current state in summary with exhaustive attribution of each aspect readily available, along with recommendations of their own, along with mutual client/consultant recommendations drawn out by MediTechnix’ analysis combined with local client subject matter expertise.

The recommendations and data are presented and organized in such a way so that the client is able to grasp its gist readily and provide reasoned solutions in addition to MediTechnix' proposals. They then put forth completely logical reasoned professionally rendered solutions and improvements in complete detail so that they can be implemented.

On occasion one hires a consultant and they would advocate ‘putting screen doors in the submarine – ‘less weight, better ventilation'…’ – MediTechnix’ exhaustive detailed reasoned collaborative approach would never result in such an outcome.

MediTechnix personnel worked well with all workteam members. MediTechnix personnel seemed like co-workers but never lost the intellectual separation that a consultant must maintain. I would work with MediTechnix personnel on any project without reservation.”

 S V P  C O R P O R A T E 

 O P E R A T I O N S  I M P R O V E M E N T 

“I have been responsible for directly overseeing MediTechnix personnel’s efforts as they led multiple concurrent operations improvement initiatives for the health system.

MediTechnix personnel ensure that the ‘right question’ is being asked, and developed and executed direct plans of action to make sure the question is answered and that the issues at hand are adequately resolved.

One prominent leadership example is a patient medication program opportunity that sat fallow for nearly a year before MediTechnix personnel put it into action.

Quickly isolating, assembling, motivating, and directing two dozen unrelated members of our organization, MediTechnix personnel led the charge in gaining complex governmental certification for this important new profitable piece of business.

Further, MediTechnix personnel designed the strategic and logistical medication delivery operating systems, and gained the clinical and operational support for the rollout of this new service to 12 patient populations including transplant and oncology patients.

MediTechnix personnel developed a strong rapport and extremely high confidence level with our administrative and physician leaders.

This is directly evidenced by the fact that these individuals continue to seek out MediTechnix personnel by name as they recognize operational challenges.”


  • Healthcare industry challenges can be complex and multidisciplinary, and not easily placed into a particular category of solution.
  • Our techniques are not off the shelf, or out of the literature. Our techniques are proprietary and have been solely designed and developed for our client set.

  • Please contact us at gene.monaco@meditechnix.com or 412.657.7739412.657.7739 or use the "Contact Us" form to schedule a personal confidential meeting, or for more information, to determine how we may be of service.

  • Allow us to prepare a custom solution proposal to address your challenges and opportunities.


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