M e d i T e c h n i x  Incorporated                    

- applied techniques for improving healthcare industry performanceSM -


- good medicine is good businessSM -

Call us at | 412.657.7739412.657.7739

P R O F E S S I O N A L S  

 B E N E F I T S  T O  E N G A G I N G  US 

MediTechnix Professionals are a benefit to both the patient, and client employees. The majority of our Projects are not solely undertaken to directly solve financial issues. In these Project types, improvements in, or creation of, provided services invariably lead to improvements of patient outcomes and satisfaction, as well as clinical and administrative personnel satisfaction.

MediTechnix Professionals are a benefit to senior administrators and senior clinicians. Senior client personnel are often faced with answering serious and complex entity-altering strategic and logistical questions, which can be initially daunting due to both internal and external factors, and which often require a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach. We provide answers based on reasoned quantitative assessments, with actionable solution sets, and explain how to navigate uncertainty. In healthcare as well as in other industries, for both discrete transactions as well as major long-term policy and operating changes, senior client personnel have confidently made several billions of dollars worth of effective decisions based on our work.

MediTechnix Professionals are a benefit to the client organization. Some recent Projects with suspected hard-cost financial implications, have 1 Year Returns On Investment (ROI) of $10 to $25 in Gross Margin back to the client for every $1 spent on our services. 5 Year ROIs are of course multiples of the 1 Year ROIs. This means that it is usually in the best interest of the rational healthcare administrator with a known financial challenge to engage our services.

 O U R  P E O P L E 

MediTechnix Professionals have been hand-selected to work with us. They are experts at isolating and solving just about any healthcare management challenge. They are resourceful and have the technical and leadership capability to formulate and execute any plan of action.

MediTechnix Professionals each average two decades or more of consulting subject matter expertise. We understand how to communicate with the client, determine the question to be answered, bound and manage the project, and using known effective techniques we efficiently provide the correct solution.

MediTechnix Professionals have advanced degrees in engineering, medicine, health administration, business administration, the natural and life sciences, and the computer sciences.

MediTechnix Professionals have advanced credentials and training in process improvement, new service development, health policy and management, professional engineering, quality assurance and metrics, project management, business and enterprise analytics, investment banking, and the highest civilian security clearances.

MediTechnix Professionals know what works and how to get the client to where they want to go.

 G e n e  M o n a c o   (Bio Narrative)

  • Strategy Head | Chief Business Architect
  • Chief Executive | Prime Consult

 D a v i d  L e b e c 

  • MD | MHCM
  • Medical Subject Matter Expert
  • Senior Consult

 J a c q u e l i n e  G r a n d e a u 

  • BS-Biology | RHIA | CCS-CCSP
  • Hospital Operations | Physician Operations | Revenue Cycle Management | Data Analytics | Compliance | Process Improvement
  • Senior Consult

 C a r m e n  F a r a o n i 

  • MBA | CQM | IMA
  • Process Design | Training Program and Quality Professional
  • Senior Consult

 T o n y  R o b i n s o n 

  • BS-Mathematics | NSA IA | Certified Information Security Manager (ISACA CISM CRISC) | ITIL | DHS OPSEC (SCADA) | ISO 27002 | DHS CVI
  • HIPAA Security Expert | Advanced Computer Systems | Biometrics
  • Senior Consult

 P a u l  D i G i r o l a m o 

  • MSCE | BSCE | PE
  • Certified Professional Engineer | Risk Management | Mobile Devices | Digital Cartography
  • Senior Consult

 V i c t o r  V a s e l e n a k 

  • Systems Engineer | IT Project Management Professional
  • Senior Consult

Other MDs | clinicians | and PAS/RCO experts are available for consult as preferred.

It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best.

- W. Edwards Deming

Scientists dream about doing great things. Engineers do them.

- James A. Michener



  • Healthcare industry challenges can be complex and multidisciplinary, and not easily placed into a particular category of solution.
  • Our techniques are not off the shelf, or out of the literature. Our techniques are proprietary and have been solely designed and developed for our client set.

  • Please contact us at gene.monaco@meditechnix.com or 412.657.7739412.657.7739 or use the "Contact Us" form to schedule a personal confidential meeting, or for more information, to determine how we may be of service.

  • Allow us to prepare a custom solution proposal to address your challenges and opportunities.


© MediTechnix Incorporated 2012-2014. All rights reserved worldwide.